Our Team

NewHaven Software’s team is comprised of direct marketing, software industry and catalog company veterans. Led by Tom Danner, our President and CEO, we are a diverse group of hard-working, fun-loving individuals that work hard together as a team to accomplish our company’s goal of providing the best software and service in the multi-channel commerce industry.

All of our software development is done in-house in Redmond, Washington, as is our customer support, project management, sales and general company management. None of the critical services we offer our customers are outsourced – we believe that in order to offer superior software, support and service we need to closely manage every aspect of our operations – which is virtually impossible when outsourcing (or off-shoring) as some of our competitors choose to do.

Our Customers

Simply stated, our customers are the BEST! We couldn’t (and wouldn’t) exist without them, and we believe that our efforts help them to operate more efficiently. They are as diverse as the weather in the Great Pacific Northwest. Our customers range in size from small one-person companies to mid-size organizations with hundreds of employees and tens of millions of dollars in annual revenue. They sell products and services through the mail, over the phone, via catalogs and direct marketing, on the internet – in fact most sell through three or more commerce channels, hence the term “multichannel merchant”.